Implementation Guide
ePA Medication Service
Version 1.0.5-ballot.1 - draft


Diese Seite enthält eine Übersicht aller FHIR-Artefakte, die im Rahmen dieses Implementierungsleitfadens für den Medication Service definiert werden. Sie bilden die Grundlage für die strukturierte Abbildung und Verarbeitung von Medikationsdaten innerhalb der ePA. Dazu gehören Profile zur Spezifizierung von Ressourcen, ein Capability Statement zur Beschreibung der unterstützten Funktionen, sowie Operation Definitions, die spezielle FHIR-Operationen für den Abruf und die Verwaltung von Medikationsdaten festlegen.


Capability Statements

Das CapabilityStatement beschreibt die Anforderungen und Fähigkeiten, die ein Server für die konforme Implementierung des Medication Service umsetzen muss. Es handelt sich um eine Konformitätserklärung, die spezifiziert, welche Ressourcen, Interaktionen und Suchparameter das ePA-Aktensystem für den Medication Service unterstützen muss.

EPA CapabilityStatement für den the Medication Service

EPA CapabilityStatement für den the Medication Service

Operation Definitions

Cancel Dispensation eRP

The Cancel Dispensation eRP operation, used by the E-Rezept-Fachdienst, in the context of the ePA Medication Service, is applied to cancel or reverse information regarding the dispensation of a medication. This operation is necessary when a medication dispensation is cancelled by a pharmacist or when there is a return of the medication by the insurant. After the E-Rezept-Fachdienst performs this operation, the corresponding dispensation entry for the medication in the patient's ePA is marked as cancelled, which the goal in ensuring an accurate and up-to-date record of the patient's medication data.

Cancel Prescription eRP

The $cancel-prescription-erp operation is used by the E-Rezept-Fachdienst to cancel an already issued electronic prescription. This function is applied when a prescription is no longer needed for various reasons, such as changes in medication or errors in the initial issuance. After cancellation by the E-Rezept-Fachdienst, this information is transmitted to the ePA Medication Service, where the prescription is calculations. It can then no longer be used for dispensing medication. This process ensures accuracy and safety in the management of medications.

Get Medication List

Get a medication list

Provide Dispensation eRP

The Provide Dispensation eRP operation in the ePA Medication Service is used to record information about the dispensing of medications based on an electronic prescription in the patient's record. This operation comes into play when a patient receives their medication from a pharmacy. It documents that the medication has been dispensed as per the prescription, including details like the quantity, date of dispensing, and pharmacy information. This helps maintain a comprehensive overview of the patient's medication history.

Provide Prescription eRP

The Provide Prescription eRP operation in the ePA MedicationService is used to add electronic prescriptions to a patient's record. These prescriptions are already made by the E-Rezept-Fachdienst. This operation does not create new patient prescriptions; it just puts the ones made by the E-Rezept-Fachdienst into the patient's ePA, making sure they are stored safely and can be easily accessed.



Returns Medications or MedicationDispenses with the Rx Prescription Process Identifier.

Parameterprofile für Operationen

EPA Operation CancelDispensation ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation CancelDispensation ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation CancelPrescription ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation CancelPrescription ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation ProvideDispensation ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation ProvideDispensation ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation ProvidePrescription ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation ProvidePrescription ERP Input-Parameters

EPA Operation RxDispensation ERP Output-Parameters

EPA Operation RxDispensation ERP Output-Parameters

EPA Operation RxPrescription ERP Output-Parameters

EPA Operation RxPrescription ERP Output-Parameters


EPA MedicationDispense

Defines the medication dispense resource for the Medication Service in the ePA system.

EPA Pharmaceutical Product Medication

Defines the medication resource for a component of a 'Kombipackung' for the Medication Service in the ePA system. These profiles are intended to inherit from EPAMedication, but due to tooling issues, this inheritance cannot currently be implemented.

EPA Medication PZN Ingredient

Defines the medication resource for a PZN ingredient of a compounding medication for the Medication Service in the ePA system. These profiles are intended to inherit from EPAMedication, but due to tooling issues, this inheritance cannot currently be implemented.

EPA MedicationRequest

Defines the medication request resource for the Medication Service in the ePA system.

EPA Medication

Defines the medication resource for the Medication Service in the ePA system.


Identifikator Profil für E-Rezept-IDs

Die E-Rezept-ID ist eine generierte und nicht veränderbare Zahlenfolge, die durch Punkte getrennt ist. Die ersten drei Ziffern definieren die Art der Verordnung. Die nächsten zwölf Ziffern stellen die generierte, eindeutige und fortlaufende Sequenz der Verordnung dar. Die letzten beiden Ziffern sind Prüfziffern gemäß ISO 7064.

Medication Unique Identifier

This unique identifier is generated within the Medication Service. It is either a hash derived from a specific set of data elements of the Medication resource or a direct repetition of a single data element. This identifier ensures the distinct identification of Medication resources across the ePA system.


The RxOriginatorProcessIdentifier, generated within the Medication Service, links the prescriptionID from the E-Rezept-Fachdienst with the original input FHIR resource ID, facilitating accurate tracking and utilization of medication data in operational processes within digital healthcare systems.


This transaction identifier is used to track medication prescription transactions between the E-Rezept-Fachdienst and the ePA. It is generated by the ePA Medication Service, ensuring a consistent and unique identification of each transaction. The identifier is composed of the PrescriptionId and the authoredOn-date of the operations parameters request, providing a robust mechanism for referencing and managing medication-related resources across systems.

Erweiterungen (Extension) Definitions


Extension for indicating the medication category.

Medication Type

Extension for EPAMedication types


Indicator of whether this regulation is made in reference to the 'Bundesentschädigungsgesetz' or the 'Bundesversorgungsgesetz'.


Information on the packaging of a formulation.


Free-text amount of the ingredient for classical Latin notations such as "ad 100.0" or "quantum satis," including the unit.


Dosage form of an ingredient in a formulation.


Indicator of whether this is a vaccine.


Manufacturing instructions regarding the preparation of a formulation (Subscriptio).


Specification of the package size according to divided quantity (e.g., 100, 2x25), only appears in conjunction with "unit" (e.g., 100 Stück).


Total quantity of the formulation (without the unit).


This FHIR Extension for multiple prescriptions adds details such as repetition count and time intervals for repeated medication orders to FHIR resources.


This extension is used to track medication prescription transactions between the E-Rezept-Fachdienst and the ePA. The RxPrescriptionProcessIdentifier is generated by the ePA Medication Service and consists of the PrescriptionId and the authoredOn date of the operation parameters request. It ensures consistent referencing and management of medication-related resources across different systems.









