Mappings for the operation-outcome resource profile.
TIOperationOutcome |
OperationOutcome | Entity. Role, or Act, Grouping is handled through multiple repetitions from whatever context references the outcomes (no specific grouper required) |
meta | n/a, N/A |
implicitRules | n/a |
language | n/a |
text | n/a, N/A, Act.text? |
contained | Entity. Role, or Act, N/A |
extension | n/a, N/A |
modifierExtension | n/a, N/A |
issue | n/a, AcknowledgementDetail or Observation[classCode="ALRT" and moodCode="EVN"] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a, N/A |
modifierExtension | n/a, N/A |
severity | n/a, ./typeCode[parent::AcknowledgmentDetail] or unique(./inboundRelationship[parent::Observation and typeCode='SUBJ' and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[classCode="OBS" and moodCode="EVN" and implies(code, ActCode#SEV and isNormalAct())/value[xsi:type="CD"] |
code | n/a, ./code |
details | n/a, CD, ./code |
diagnostics | n/a, ./text[parent::AcknowledgmentDetail] |
location | n/a, ./location[parent::AcknowledgmentDetail] |
expression | n/a, ./location[parent::AcknowledgmentDetail] |